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Welcome to the website for the Church of England Parish of South Shoebury.

For over 900 years, people have worshipped in our churches and
they have always been part of life in Shoebury  
There are two churches in our parish:
St Andrew's in Church Road (SS3 9EU) and
St Peter's in Hinguar Street (SS3 9AN).

What's On

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Sunday Services




8am at St Andrew's Church

Holy Communion (BCP)


9:30am Sunday service at St Andrew's Church:

1st Sunday of the month - Family Service

2nd & 3rd Sunday of the month - Morning Prayer

4th Sunday of the month - Holy Communion

5th Sunday of the month - Morning Prayer


11am Sunday service programme at St Peter's Church:

1st Sunday of the month - Family Service

2nd Sunday of the month - Holy Communion

3rd Sunday of the month - Morning Prayer

4th Sunday of the month - Holy Communion

5th Sunday of the month - Morning Prayer


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Daily Prayer in Church

9.00am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday & Fridays at

St Andrew's Church


9.00am on Saturdays at St Peter's Church

The services last approx. 20 minutes. 

Please note, daily prayer does not run on Bank Holidays. 


Weekly Services & Groups

2.00pm Monday

Bible Study Group

Please contact Rev Louise on 01702 292778 for details of the venue


10.30am Tuesday
Pram Service - Tea, Toast & Toddlers
St Peter's Church 

A short service of songs and Bible story for pre-school children.  This happens as part of our Toast & Toddlers morning (9.00am - 11.00am).

2.00pm Tuesdays at Two

St Andrew's Church Hall

A friendly group meeting for tea, coffee & company.


3.30pm Tuesday

Church Fun Club

St Andrew's Church Hall

The group is open to all primary school aged children.  This includes preparation for receiving communion for those in year 3 and above who wish to do this.  Children are accompanied by their parents and the group lasts for an hour.

Please contact us if you would like to attend.  


10.00am Wednesday
Holy Communion Service (BCP)
St Andrew's Church

A 40 minute service from the Book of Common Prayer.


1.00pm Thursdays
Be Still Service

St Andrew's Church

A 20 minute service designed to fit into your lunch break.  A time for reflection, quiet and music to refresh you.



Monthly Services & Groups 

2.30pm Thursday Afternoon Service 
First Thursday of the month

St Peters's Church

30 minutes of singing familiar hymns, Bible readings, prayers and shared reflection, followed by refreshments.


3.30pm Messy Church
2nd Sunday of the Month 

St Peter's Church

Craft, Bible story and singing for the whole family.

Note Sunday 8th December a special Messy Christmas at St Peter's



Upcoming Special Services & Events



March 5th - Ash Wednesday Services at 10am and 7.30pm at St Andrew's

March 22nd - Games Night Fundraiser for Clark's Farm Greyhound Rescue Centre at St Andrew's Church Hall 

March 30th - Mothering Sunday Family Services with distribution of flowers at 9.30 at St Andrew's and 11am at St Peter's.


April 12th- Pre Holy Week Quiet Morning 9am-12 noon at St Andrew's

April 13th - Palm Sunday 

April 17th - Maunday Thursday , meal and service at 7pm at St Peter's

April 18th - Good Friday, services at 10am and 2pm

April 19th - Holy Saturday Craft Workshop and Easter Egg Hunt at        St Andrew's, 10am-12 noon

April 20th - Easter Day Services at 8am, 9.30am and 11.15am

April 26th - Quiz Night at St Peter's

April 27th - Annual Parish Meeting Services at 8am and 10am at              St Andrew's. Breakfast at 8.45am


May 3rd - Open Day at St Andrew's

May 17th - Plant & Bric-a-brac sale at      St Andrew's 9-11am. 


June 14th - Community Choir Concert at St Peter's 7.30pm

June 22nd- 1-4pm Open Garden followed by 4.30pm Songs of Praise at St Andrew's

June 29th - Churchyard Memorial Service at St Andrew's


July 12th- Summer Fair 2-4pm at            St Andrew's

July 13th Picnic and community singing at St Peter's 2.30pm- 4.30pm

July 26th - Quiz Night at St Peter's











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St Andrew's Church, Church Road,
Shoeburyness, SS3 9EU
St Peter's Church, Hinguar Street,
Shoeburyness, SS3 9AN
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We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults.  The PCC has adopted the Church of England's polices and best practice on safeguarding which may be found here


South Shoebury Parish Safeguarding information may be found here.

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